Dr. Jeffrey I. Kennis,  D.C.
205 Commercial St Boston, MA 02109 NORTH END

( 617)720-2329


Viewing 577 - 592 out of 786 posts

11 Tips on How to Get Sleep

How are you sleeping these days? Check out these 11 tips on how to get to sleep and stay asleep. Consult your chiropractor for additional tips! http://www.spine-health.com/blog/11-unconventional-sleep-tips-how-get-sleep-and-stay-asleep Read More

Learn How to Decrease your Sitting Time

Decrease your sitting time by 66 minutes per day and feel healthier. In a recent study 87% of people reported feeling more comfortable and energized when they were alternating between Read More

Neck Soreness?

 Soreness in the neck and difficulty moving the neck is usually a short-term issue, but may be a symptom of a more serious problem. This video explains the reason why Read More

Neck Soreness?

 Soreness in the neck and difficulty moving the neck is usually a short-term issue, but may be a symptom of a more serious problem. This video explains the reason why Read More

Persistent Leg Pain

Persistent leg pain that is aggravated by walking could be a sign of lumbar stenosis. Read more about how to diagnose this painful condition.   http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spinal-stenosis/lumbar-spinal-stenosis-a-definitive-guide Read More


What You Need to Know About Sciatica.   http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/sciatica/what-you-need-know-about-sciatica Read More

Spinal Disc Pathology

There are many different terms used to describe spinal disc pathology and associated pain, such as "herniated disc", "pinched nerve", and "bulging disc", and all are used differently by doctors. Read More

Persistent Leg Pain

Persistent leg pain that is aggravated by walking could be a sign of lumbar stenosis. Read more about how to diagnose this painful condition.   http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/spinal-stenosis/lumbar-spinal-stenosis-a-definitive-guide Read More


What You Need to Know About Sciatica.   http://www.spine-health.com/conditions/sciatica/what-you-need-know-about-sciatica Read More

Spinal Disc Pathology

There are many different terms used to describe spinal disc pathology and associated pain, such as "herniated disc", "pinched nerve", and "bulging disc", and all are used differently by doctors. Read More

Chiropractic Examination

How chiropractors examine the structure and function of the spine and then determine specific chiropractic treatments separate chiropractic care from other disciplines.   http://www.spine-health.com/treatment/chiropractic/chiropractic-examination Read More

Tai Chi Theory

There are many aspects of Tai Chi theory which benefit people with back or neck pain. Posture, balance, muscle strength, and stress reduction are all benefits of this practice.   http://www.spine-health.com/wellness/yoga-pilates-tai-chi/tai-chi-theory Read More

Tai Chi Theory

There are many aspects of Tai Chi theory which benefit people with back or neck pain. Posture, balance, muscle strength, and stress reduction are all benefits of this practice.   http://www.spine-health.com/wellness/yoga-pilates-tai-chi/tai-chi-theory Read More

Causes of Back Muscle Spasms

Back muscle spasms may occur because of an injury or condition affecting the spine. Unless the underlying problem is evaluated, discovered, and treated, the back muscle spasms will tend to Read More

Chiropractic Examination

How chiropractors examine the structure and function of the spine and then determine specific chiropractic treatments separate chiropractic care from other disciplines.   http://www.spine-health.com/treatment/chiropractic/chiropractic-examination Read More

Causes of Back Muscle Spasms

Back muscle spasms may occur because of an injury or condition affecting the spine. Unless the underlying problem is evaluated, discovered, and treated, the back muscle spasms will tend to Read More

Viewing 577 - 592 out of 786 posts

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